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Cookie Policy


Last updated: 5th June 2023

When you visit any website, you are required to accept or decline 'cookies'. Cookies are unique identifiers that we transfer to your PC, Tablet, Mobile or other device when you visit any website. When you 'accept' these cookies on our website, we can identify which pages are being used so we can identify what our website visitors are looking for. This helps us improve our services by tailoring our website to our users needs. Once we have analysed this information, we then disregard it and nothing is saved.

Google Analytics Cookies can also be collected. These cookies are identified as 'UTMA', 'UTMB', 'UTMC', and 'UTMZ'. These cookies are also used to collect information about how our visitors use our website. These cookies are used to compile reports to improve our website and services.

All information collected from Cookies are ANONYMOUS. The only information we collect is the number of visitors and from which country they are from. You can configure your browser to accept and reject cookies. some browsers also notify you when a cookie has been sent. Please refer to your browser instructions or help screens to learn more. All cookies are deleted after you have interacted with our website, therefore, the cookies will no longer exist on your computer and therefore cannot be used for further identification or access to your electronic device.

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